100 Days of Care
We’re excited to announce the launch of our third round of 100 Days of Care! This time, accompanied by a book written this summer by Stream teacher Heather Fenton.
Embark on a journey of self-love and compassion! This self-directed, at-home meditation retreat fits seamlessly into your daily life, with just a few minutes of commitment each morning and evening.
New live cohort will run from Sept 23 to Dec 31, 2024. Join us for one of two Launch/Orientation sessions either Sun, Sept 15 or Wed, Sept 18. Offered freely, in person in the Hut on Weaver Road or online over Zoom. Scroll past the photo for more details and links to the website or to purchase the book on Amazon.

The premise of the 100 Days of Care is that as we learn to love ourselves (and others) more deeply, we will naturally begin to make more compassionate choices — to do the things that lead to lasting peace and contentment.
The heart of the 100 Days of Care is a mantra of lovingkindness that you will craft for yourself and recite daily, with the option to add any other small, measurable habits that you’d like to develop.
100 Days of Care includes the optional study of nine other qualities, in total the ten perfections (paramis), sometimes called the ten ‘far-reaching’ attitudes of Theravada Buddhism, which divides the one hundred days into ten, ten-day periods.
You don’t need to become a Buddhist or take on any new beliefs to contemplate these teachings. The qualities or attitudes are universally wholesome: determination, lovingkindness, truthfulness, ethical self-dicipline, energy, generosity, letting be, patience, open-hearted seeing and wisdom.
With the 100 Days of Care Workbook to guide you, set daily intentions, practice gratitude, reflect, and slowly develop the small, consistent habits that will transform your daily routine into a path of mindful self-compassion.
Make the journey solo, or join a live cohort of others undertaking the 100 Days of Care this September!
Do what it takes to find the peace that you long for.
For full details, visit 100daysofcare.ca
Preview and purchase the 100 Days of Care on Amazon
On Instagram – connect with us by following and tagging us @100.days.of.care and using the hashtag #100daysofcare on content related to your journey!
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