Awaken Your Heart

Meditation and Yoga Classes, Courses, Workshops and Retreats

in Port Colborne, Ontario and Live Online Zoom

2-weeks Unlimited Classes for only $40!

We invite you to enjoy unlimited access to all of our weekly classes (in person or online) for 2 weeks for only $40 (including HST). This special offer can only be purchased once and is available only for students NEW to Stream Yoga + Meditation.

Your journey begins here!


We teach Buddhist and Nondual philosophy and practices, and we offer mindful movement and yoga for all bodies, ages and abilities.

Download a PDF of our week-at-a-glance schedule here. Please pre-book your classes! If you are new, you will need to create an account in our booking software (Momoyoga). Reach out if you’d like help with booking.

Weekly Class Descriptions

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Calm + Centre, Sundays 9:30am (75 mins) + Fridays 9:30am (60 mins), with Heather Fenton — Enjoy the simple pleasure of knowing your body and breath in this mindful Hatha class. Let’s explore — through movement — the liberating qualities of curiosity, kindness and light-heartedness.

Self-Inquiry Meditation, Sundays 11am (60 mins), with Michael Fenton — A look into the source of who and what you are. Sessions include meditation, pointing instructions, inquiry and discussion. This meditation class is offered freely. Donations are appreciated.


Rise + Shine, Mondays 9:30am (60 mins), with Megs Bennett — Start the week with intention and ease in this all levels Hatha yoga class.

Gentle Yoga, Mondays + Thursdays 11am (60 mins), with Megs Bennett — Enjoy an easeful chair-based class suited to any ability, to help you reduce stress, increase strength, focus and flexibility. 

Unwind + Align, Mondays + Thursdays 6pm (60 mins), with Shardai Albano — Arrive home to your body and breath, lighten up and align yourself mentally and physically.

Beginning Yoga, Mondays 7:30pm (75 mins), with Heather Fenton — Every journey starts with a single step. Take that step with this beginner-focused yoga series. This is a pre-registered 6-week course — not open for drop-in.


Awaken Alignment, Tuesdays 9:30am (60 mins), with Arlene Dezenosky — Start your morning with mindful movement to energize your body and clear your mind.

Embodied Flow, Tuesdays 6pm + Saturdays 9:30am (75 mins), with Arlene Dezenosky — A vibrant and dynamic class focusing on smooth transitions and movements while syncing breath with body awareness.


Fresh Flow, Wednesdays 9:30am (60 mins), with Arlene Dezenosky — Refresh your energy with a mid-week morning yoga flow. Suitable for all levels.

Beginning Yoga, Wednesdays 11am (75 mins), with Arlene Dezenosky — Every journey starts with a single step. Take that step with this beginner-focused yoga series. This is a pre-registered 6-week course — not open for drop-in.

Balance + Breathe, Wednesdays 6pm (45 mins), with Heather Fenton — Enjoy a quick mid-week reset with this all-levels flow. This class is an ideal preparation for the 7pm meditation that follows. Or simply come for the 45-mins and go about your evening relaxed and centred.

Insight Meditation “The Art of Living”, Wednesdays 7pm (75 mins), with Heather Fenton — Start and/or maintain a regular meditation practice. Each week, guided meditations are combined with instructions for bringing mindfulness into daily living. This meditation class is offered freely. Donations are appreciated.

JAN 2025 — We’re starting the study of Thích Nhat Hanh’s book “The Art of Living” beginning in January. Drop in whenever you like (the classes work as stand-alone meditation sessions) or commit yourself to study the full book. Our Wednesday Insight Meditation sessions are 6+ years strong and we have a healthy community of sincere, regular meditators.


Divine Align, Thursdays 9:30am (60 mins), with Megs Bennett — Centre, stretch and prepare the mind body and spirit for the day! This alignment focused, heart-centred practice is supportive, gentle and available to every body.

Gentle Yoga, Mondays + Thursdays 11am (60 mins), with Megs Bennett — Enjoy an easeful chair-based class suited to any ability, to help you reduce stress, increase strength, focus and flexibility.

Cold Stream, Thursdays 12:15pm (20 mins), with Megs Bennett and Heather Fenton — Meet us at Cedar Bay Beach for a weekly cold plunge, starting Oct 17. There is no charge to join us. Please pre-book so that we can text you with any last minute changes (e.g. if we need to cancel). This is an informal, friendly 20-minute weekly meetup with a 3-5 minute dip in Lake Erie. Participation is at your own risk (there will not be a life guard and you are advised to consult your doctor before undertaking this practice).

Unwind + Align, Mondays + Thursdays 6pm (60 mins), with Shardai Albano — Arrive home to your body and breath, lighten up and align yourself mentally and physically.

Sustaining the 100 Days Journey, Thursdays 8pm (60 mins), ONLINE ONLY, with Heather Fenton — Sustain an ongoing practice of daily self-compassion and lovingkindness with these supportive weekly sessions. If you have completed the 100 Days of Care journey with a live cohort, these weekly 1-hour gatherings offer ongoing support, encouragement and an opportunity to connect with others who are practicing. Join us occasionally or come every week. We will meditate and then discuss our practice in group or small groups. By donation, offered only online through Zoom. Please pre-book so we know you are coming.


Calm + Centre, Sundays 9:30am (75 mins) + Fridays 9:30am (60 mins), with Heather Fenton — Enjoy the simple pleasure of knowing your body and breath in this mindful Hatha class. Let’s explore — through movement — the liberating qualities of curiosity, kindness and light-heartedness.


Embodied Flow, Saturday 9:30am + Tuesdays 6pm (75 mins), with Arlene Dezenosky — A vibrant and dynamic class focusing on smooth transitions and movements while syncing breath with body awareness.

Follow us on social media:

Enjoy our small but growing collection of resources for your practice. Heather creates snippets of wisdom (video, writing, imagery) to inspire you on the path to peace:

Developing Composure on the Path of Awakening

Developing Composure on the Path of Awakening

Ethical self-discipline is developed in order to bring calm and quiet to the heart-mind and to reduce the harm we cause ourselves and others. When we act with an intention to benefit our future self, others or our environment, without greed or malice, it results in a ‘bright’ mind is that is composed, relaxed, sees clearly and is ready to benefit others.

Click here to read this week's News!

News for Monday, October 21, 2024. Sign up below to get weekly updates and announcements directly in your inbox.

The "Hut"

Situated on a quiet country road, surrounded by organically farmed land, steps from the walking/cycling “Friendship Trail” and a kilometre from the sandy shores of Lake Erie, Stream offers a unique setting for yoga and meditation.

The “Hut” at Stream (as we affectionately call it) is an expression of our wish to benefit living beings by creating a sacred space for the exploration of yogic, contemplative and human well-being practices of body and mind.

Pre-registered Courses

Courses are a pre-registered set of classes providing the opportunity to practice consistently with a group of peers, while deepening your knowledge of the practices of yoga + meditation. Pre-registration is required. Courses are not open to drop-in students. Please contact the studio if you would like to join a course that is already in progress (the fees can be pro-rated).

“If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Pop-Up Classes, Workshops + Retreats

Pop-Up Classes offer you the opportunity to experience a specialty class at a great price — use your Stream Membership or Class Pass(es) to attend, or only $21 drop-in (inc HST). Workshops + Retreats are designed to give you the chance to dive deeper into practice. Your Stream Membership entitles you to 20% off participating workshops!

Restorative Yoga Pop-Up Class | Jan 23

Restorative Yoga Pop-Up Class | Jan 23

with Shardai Albano

Release tension and cultivate deep relaxation through supported postures and mindful breathing. Restorative yoga practice invites you to slow down, reconnect with your inner stillness, and embrace self-compassion in each moment.

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Awaken Awareness Weekend | Jan 23-26, 2025

Awaken Awareness Weekend | Jan 23-26, 2025

with Heather Fenton

Enjoy a deep Winter re-set with a full weekend of quiet contemplation. We will explore the path of awakening through the lens of the seven factors of enlightenment: mindfulness, investigation, energy, joy, calm, concentration and equanimity.

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Living Life from Your Natural State | Feb 1

Living Life from Your Natural State | Feb 1

with Lori Brant

In this transformative 3-hour workshop, Lori Brant, author of The Happiness Toolbox: Finding Happiness Regardless of Circumstances and The Alignment Strategy, will guide you through a powerful process of self-discovery and belief transformation. Using The Alignment Strategy, Lori will teach you how to identify and shift the beliefs that hold you back from experiencing true peace.

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Re-Ignite Your Light | Feb 2

Re-Ignite Your Light | Feb 2

with the Shanti Sisters
Join us for an afternoon kirtan, a call and response vocal and musical practice in which we chant Mantras to open the Heart, uplift the mind and connect with Divine qualities. Singing together in community is a heart-opening joy and a practice of devotional (bhakti) yoga.

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Divine Resonance Kirtan Experience | Mar 29

Divine Resonance Kirtan Experience | Mar 29

with Jaya, Lalitadevi and Anandaroopa

Enjoy a soulful afternoon of kirtan, a call and response music practice that involves chanting mantras to open the heart, uplift the spirit and connect with the divine resonance. It will leave you feeling lighter, clearer & more centred.

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Memberships + Passes

Our Memberships are designed to encourage consistency in your practice. Commit to your well-being by attending regular classes and you will fall in love with the ease and insight that develop.

Plus, your support (as a Monthly Member) means our Stream community is sustained and can thrive and continue to support you, other students, our teachers and our local south Niagara community.

If an auto-renewing Membership is not right for you at this time, we invite you to choose from 1, 3, 5 10 and 20-class Passes — see below.

New pricing/memberships as shown below will come into effect September 9th, 2024. Please contact the studio with any questions.


What you see is what you get—
Our prices include the 13% HST!


(all prices include 13% HST)

Class Passes

(all prices include 13% HST)

Class Passes can be used to attend any regular weekly class and expire 1 year from date of purchase.


Single Class $21
3-class Pass $57
5-class Pass $90
10-class Pass $170
20-class Pass $280


Online classes are $12 each. Single online classes can be automatically purchased in our booking software. To purchase multiple online classes at once, please contact the studio (or simply send an e-transfer/PayPal in a multiple of CAD$12 with a note and we will happily to add the passes to your account).

Gift certificates can be purchased for any of our class passes, courses or events, or simply for a designated amount. To purchase or to redeem a gift certificate, please contact us by email at or call/text Heather at 905.401.YOGA (9642)

Please help us with our planning by pre-booking early for classes. Classes that have fewer than 3 yogis registered 12 hours prior to class start time are subject to cancellation at the teachers’ discretion (if a class is cancelled, you will be notified by email and text and your pass will be returned to your account).

In the event that a class is full, please use the waitlist feature. If a spot becomes available you will be immediately notified by email and/or text. In addition to the possbility of gaining a spot in the class, the waitlist feature also helps us with planning. Thanks!


All of our pricing for includes 13% HST. Since our booking software (Momoyoga) is European, this is shown/described there as “VAT” but is the HST we collect to remit to the government.


Our preference is receiving Interac e-transfers to (please note on the transfer what it is for and we will mark it paid on your Momoyoga account).

Our booking software, Momoyoga, allows you to pay directly by credit/debit card or your PayPal account. Or you are always welcome call Heather with your credit card number at 519.400.7862.

We are also able to accept payment or donations directly by PayPal:

We honour cash and cheques, although we prefer to receive payment at least 24 hours before class/event. In the case of a sold out class/event, we will ask you to firm up payment prior to your arrival.


Class Passes can be used to attend any regular weekly class and expire one year from date of purchase. Passes are specific to attendance for in person or online.

Bring a Friend* with your Class Pass: your class passes are transferrable to a new student. (*Friend must be new to Stream Yoga + Meditation and must create an account to book the class with us and complete our waiver to participate.)


Monthly 5 and 10 Classes Members can attend any 5 or 10 (regular) classes in a one-month period and purchase additional Single Class passes for themselves (beyond the 5 or 10 class limit) for only $12/class. Membership automatically renews monthly on the date of purchase. Cancel anytime. Please contact us a few days prior to renewal to avoid potential administrative charges (i.e. if the payment has been processed for the month, there will be minimal administrative charge to cancel). Class credits can not be carried forward into the next month; switching to our Class Passes is an alternative if you find you aren’t using enough credits from your Membership each month.

Monthly 5 and 10 Classes Members can bring 1 Friend* for 1 class for $12 each month of their membership.

Monthly Unlimited Memberships can be used to attend any regular weekly class in person or online and are automatically renewed monthly on the date of purchase. Cancel anytime. Please contact us a few days prior to renewal to avoid potential administrative charges (i.e. if the payment has been processed for the month, there will be an administrative charge to cancel).

Monthly Unlimited Members can bring 1 Friend* for 1 class FREE each month of their membership, and bring any additional friends in that same month for only $12/class.

*ALL friends must be NEW to Stream Yoga + Meditation and must create an account to book the class with us and complete our waiver to participate.


Stream Monthly Members (Unlimited and Monthly 5 and 10 Classes Members) receive 10% discount on purchases in the Shop at Stream and 20% discount on all Pre-registered Courses, Events and Workshops! Please contact the studio when purchasing to receive the discount.


New Member* 2-Weeks Unlimited can be used to attend any regular weekly class in person or online for 2 weeks from date of purchase. New Members do not receive membership benefits (i.e. bring a friend for free or Shop and Course/Event discounts). *The New Member special offer can only be purchased once and is only available for students NEW to Stream Yoga + Meditation. Get started here!



Pre-registered Courses and Special Events, Workshops + Retreats are priced separately.

Stream Monthly Members (Unlimited and Monthly 5 and 10 Classes Members) receive a 20% discount on all Pre-registered Courses, Events and Workshops! Contact the studio when purchasing. Membership must remain/be active while the Course is in progress and/or at the time of the event.

Multiple Course Discounts for non-members are be available. If you are interested in attending multiple Courses there is a 20% discount available on your second/third/fourth concurrent (running simultaneously) Pre-registered Course(s). Contact the studio when purchasing.


An administration fee of 10% will be applied to changes or cancellations; If you cancel one week or more in advance of an event, you will receive a full refund less the 10% administration fee; If you cancel between a week and 24 hours in advance you will receive a 50% credit, which can be used for other Stream events, class passes or memberships; If you cancel less than 24 hours in advance, you will receive no credit, unless your spot can be easily filled by someone from a waitlist; Consideration may be given for medical circumstances; If the teacher or studio cancels a class/event for any reason, you will receive a full refund.

Our Stream Instructors

Heather Fenton

Heather Fenton

Studio Owner, Instructor

Heather is a meditation and yoga teacher and former Buddhist nun who combines 25 years of meditation training with a lifelong interest in mental and physical health. She finds joy in community and teaches from the heart with warmth, compassion, and humor.

Heather published her first book on meditation in August 2024: 100 Days of Care: Cultivating Curiosity & Kindness.

Michael Fenton

Michael Fenton

Studio Owner, Instructor

After experiencing a ‘spontaneous awakening’ on February 4, 2021, Michael began a dedicated study into the nature of mind and consciousness, seeking teachers and traditions that could explain this experience. He is passionate about guiding others to awaken to the liberating truth of their being.

Megan Bennett

Megan Bennett


Megan’s yoga journey began as a part of her recovery from a serious car accident 15 years ago. She is passionate about helping others learn to manage physical and mental health challenges. Her classes are light-hearted and uplifting. 

Arlene Dezenosky

Arlene Dezenosky


Arlene is a mother of 4 who uses yoga and meditation as practical tools for balancing the inner and outer world of daily living. She encourages the use of breath work and awareness on and off of the mat.

Shardai Albano

Shardai Albano


Shardai’s background in dance led her to find joy in yoga. Her passion for sharing yoga with others translates as a light and peaceful mood in her classes.

Lisa Matteo

Lisa Matteo

Relief Instructor

Lisa believes everyone can benefit from the inner and outer strength, stamina, flexibility, and vitality that yoga cultivates.

819 Weaver Road
Port Colborne, ON L3K 5V3