Practice at Stream

Feeling is like a bubble

The Buddha used the analogy of “feeling is like a bubble” to convey the impermanence and transient nature of pleasant, unpleasant and neutral sensations.

Just like a bubble that appears for a brief moment and then pops, feelings come and go. Feeling is “completely void, hollow, and insubstantial.”

And yet, we become captivated, thinking both that they last and that they are somehow a part of us: “I am angry, I am sad, I am excited, I am happy” or “I like this, I don’t like that.”

With mindfulness we begin to see how deeply uncomfortable it is to cling to what is impermanent, and we develop the intention to let go.

“Form is like a glob of foam;
feeling, a bubble;
perception, a mirage;
fabrications, a banana tree;
consciousness, a magic trick…”
— Phena Sutta

Yoga and meditation are gateways to living with greater ease.

Find your way to creating peace! Join us for weekly classes and workshops or half-day, full-day or weekend long retreats.

You’re invited to practice with us weekly in person in Port Colborne, Ontario or live online on Zoom.

Insight Meditation, Wednesdays 7pm ET (90 mins), with Heather Fenton — Start and/or maintain a regular meditation practice. Each week, guided meditations are combined with instructions for bringing mindfulness into daily living. This meditation class is offered freely.

Book now! or email us at if you’d like more info.

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Book yourself using the button above, or let us help you. Complete the form below and we will reserve your spot or answer your questions.

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12 + 7 =

Stream Monthly Members receive a 20% discount on most pre-registered courses, events and workshops. Contact the studio when registering; or simply send an etransfer for the indicated Member price with a note and we will add the event to your account and book your spot. Membership must remain/be active while the Course is in progress and/or at the time of the event.

819 Weaver Road
Port Colborne, ON L3K 5V3